Saturday, January 5, 2008

From the Caucus

The Iowa caucus is now history, and we did our part for Barack Obama in the Ankeny 6 Democratic caucus on Thursday night.
Most notable is that we had 210 participants and a handful of observers at the event, and when the fur finished flying, Obama had 81 supporters — enough to earn 3 of the 7 precinct's delegates to the county convention in March. For the record, John Edwards won 2 delegates, Hillary Clinton got 1 and Joe Biden earned 1. 

Here's a photo from the caucus, with Sam Graham as our chairman for the caucus.

It was an exhilarating night. My wife, Sharon, switched from an Edwards supporter to an Obama backer and quite a few other people came over to our side as well. As precinct captain for Obama, I spent a lot of my time running around the Crocker Elementary cafeteria trying to pick up supporters here and there as the Biden campaign teetered on unviability and the Bill Richardson camp fell apart. Rather than go to the Obama victory party at HyVee Hall later in the evening, all I wanted was a shower.

So it was a big victory, an organizational victory, for Obama. Democrats are energized. Of course, Clinton may be the victor in the New Hampsire primary election this coming week, so we can't read too much into the Obama victory. But I have a better feeling than I have in a long time that the American public is about to repudiate the lawlessness and corruption of the illegitimately elected George W. Bush, the man I've never gotten used to calling "president".

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