Sunday, September 30, 2007

On the Road Again...

I seem to be spending a lot of time on the road lately. Now I'm packing my bags for a doubleheader trip up north -- attending the Silha Lecture at the University of Minnesota on Monday night, then spending the following two days at the Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn. Never been to St. Peter, but it seems about as Lake Wobegon-ish a place as I'm likely to land.

Our current academic dean at Simpson, Steve Griffith, was a Gustavan (or is it Adolphan?) for two-plus decades before relocating to the relative tropics of Iowa. And our administration is thinking about ways to create a Nobel-like symposium at Simpson. As I'm director of the Simpson Forum, the public lectures program at the college, I'll be observing how GAC puts on its big show and see what lessons we can learn.

Thank goodness this is taking place in early October rather than January.

1 comment:

Beth - Admissions Counselor said...

Wow, sounds cool! Good job always looking to improve!